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Can I control my bulbs even when I’m not home?Updated 3 years ago

Currently this is only possible if you have an Apple TV. Connect your Apple TV by following these instructions:

  • ​Connect your iOS device and Apple TV to your home network. Make sure your home network is connected to Internet.
  • Sign in using your iCloud account on your Apple TV
  • Sign in using your same iCloud account on your iOS device`
  • Using the Nanoleaf application on your device, pair the hub and your iOS device. Make sure you add the hub in the same network as your Apple TV
  • Pair the bulb with your HUB
  • Verify that you can control the accessory using your iOS device
  • Verify that you can use Siri to control the accessory
  • Connect to a different network and use Siri to control the accessory. Make sure your secondary network has Internet connection


Note: If the ‘Connecting’ message is not shown when you click sign in on your Apple TV, try the following tips:

  • Make sure you are connected to Internet
  • ​Reset your router
  • Factory reset your Apple TV
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